In short, the flagship product, Liv Sxinney, or Sxinney Water, is that: water that makes you skinny. (Isn't that so cool?!?!) In long: It's nutrition in a bottle. Your body gets properly hydrated, properly fed, gets kicked out of starvation-mode and BOOM! Your body releases it's fat stores, because it just doesn't need to hold on to them anymore.
Why are we so FAT?!?
It's crazy in this society that eats and eats and eats and eats to think that we are starving, but we are. You can fill a car with Twinkies and cookies and chocolate and chips and pop and sure, the engine can be filled to overflowing, but will it run? Nope. Because that is not what it is designed to run on. Yes, I realize our bodies aren't cars, but the same idea applies. We are machines and without the proper fuel, we won't run.
Fat is our bodies' resource fuel; its our backup generator. So, our poor nutrient-starved bodies hold on to it, because they don't trust what we've been giving them. And, why should they? I know I'm guilty of body-abuse through eating awful food. On the flip side, I have eaten very well, and for the most part, do. I try to be very conscious of what I take into me. I do believe my body is a temple and try to treat it as such. My fruits and vegetables are very important to me, and I try to be very conscientious about getting my daily requirements. I take multi-vitamins and get my omega-3 acids. I drink my water. I exercise. So, why do I look the way I do?
Unfortunately, we live in toxic environment. Our world isn't what it used to be. Air, water, soil, none of it is as pure as our bodies need it to be. Everything we take into us makes us a little dirty, puts us a little outside the realm of our best health. My main point here, even the best food cannot provide your best nutrients. Pesticides and over-farming have robbed our soil of many essential nutrients our bodies need to perform optimally. Our food just doesn't feed us like we need it to. So, whichever side of the coin you are on--whether you eat well or you don't, or somewhere in between, which I think most of us are--you need a little help, a little push, a little something more to help detoxify and nourish you so your body can live like it's designed to do.
What is Liv Sxinney, exactly, and why does it work?
Liv Sxinney is a concentrated blend of chlorophyll and fulvic minerals. Let's start with the first one. Chlorophyll. The Green Stuff. The life blood of plants. What in the world does this do? (I kinda thought the same thing the first time I heard about people ingesting it.) Chlorophyll is pretty darn cool. It detoxifies the liver (which is such a huge deal I think I'm going to have to do a blog post on it someday), it decreases body odor (we're talking bad breath, "flatulence" odor, and just plain old B.O.), it eliminates mold from the body (I don't even want to think about this one. I'm moldy inside? EWWW!), it helps in wound healing, it fights free radicals, cleans the digestive tract, and is used to treat anemia and cancer. Yes, cancer. (Plants are amazing, aren't they?)On to the fulvic minerals. Remember the nutrient-depleted food I was talking about earlier? From over-farming, inorganic fertilizers, and pesticides? This is the fixer-upper. Fulvic acid is the most powerful natural known electrolyte, restoring electrical balance to damaged cells and neutralizing toxins. Leading natural health experts believe fulvic minerals to be one of the most important missing links in our modern food chain and that they hold the solutions to many of today's health problems. There's more: they boost metabolism, rebuild the immune system, reduce high blood pressure, help your body absorb nutrients, increase energy, hunt down and eliminate free radicals, among other things. It is called The Elixir of Life. I don't know about you, but I really want that.
The Skinny on Liv Sxinney
You get this cute, durable bottle of green stuff. You take an ounce of the concentrate and mix it into 32 oz of pure water. You drink it. Really, really simple. Put it in your mouth first thing in the morning before you eat anything else. Drink it all day long. Just take it with you wherever you go. From there, just be amazed. I know you will. If you are not, please tell me, because I would love to be astonished.As far as how much you should drink everyday: take your weight, halve that number. Drink that many ounces of water everday. Mix in the Liv Sxinney concentrate (1 oz:32 oz) accordingly. That's it. Two addendums: 1) don't drink soda (It's so bad for you anyway!! Now is the time to stop!! Cut it out! No more!) and 2) don't use more than 5 ounces of Liv Sxinney per day. It's easy, it's basic, it's amazing. (Of course there are other great products. But, this is what I'm discussing in this post, so there you go.)
To Sum Up...
If we give our bodies the good stuff, they won't need the inferior, resource, backup fuel: fat. Kiss it good-bye. And watch your body reach heights you didn't know it could.
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