Thursday, June 4, 2009


Alright, friends, I do have an update for you this week.

Fifteen. And. A. Half. Inches! Gone!! POOF!! I seriously mean that, too. POOF!! I haven't exercised, except for unpacking boxes and doing yard work. I HAVE NOT eaten well (oops! darn that whole, "what?!? it's six thirty?!? quick, feed the kids and self whatever you can find!"), and still my Liv Sxinney has helped me SHRINK! I am so excited, because it's only going to get better from here. This week, I'm determined to get back on track with my eating and exercising. I've already seen an improvement in my muscle definition (yes, I do have muscles underneath all my 'mallow) so I'm really eager to see what concentrated effort will bring.

I'm still sleeping like a dream. A very deep and pleasant dream. I've also noticed my stretch marks are whiter, thinner, and not as deep. Actually, I've noticed this about all my scar tissue, which I thought was interesting. Maybe that's just the effect of getting smaller. I love that I have energy all day through. It's so amazing to feel like a functional person! Yea!!!!

My moods are stabilized to an incredible degree. I'm able to think clearly through problems, get over disappointments quickly, and move from one task to the next with efficiency. I know this may the norm for most people, but this is a plane I've been praying to level on for a long, long time. I haven't gotten in-depth about my health issues for the past decade on this blog; suffice it to say my theme song was Matchbox 20's "Unwell," and that is probably an understatement. Yes, I've progressively improved as I've worked to master my mind and body. I've found products and herbs and vitamins that have helped. I've discovered ways to eat and exercise that have helped me get closer to feeling like "me." Until now, however, I always felt like I was straining through a fog, my real capacity just out of reach. Now, I feel like each day I can work, do, LIVE all day. So, in short, I'm grateful. Yes, grateful for Liv Sxinney. Believe me, I know it sounds weird. But, I feel like I've gotten my life back. Can't wait for what's to come!

Now, go get some and get your life for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is awesome! I can't wait to hear more.

    Sounds like you are getting settled in. I am so excited to hear all about life after graduate school.
